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Dana Shaw

Certified Consultant

My Story

I have found my love for scents! I have always loved my house to smell good and very inviting. Always having candles burning or plugins in the wall. When I heard of scentsy for the first time, I was not interested. I had my candles to burn and I was happy with those, (other than the jars always turning black and not looking so pretty), i just kept on burning. This past summer I walked into a home that had Scentsy burning, and it smelled soooooo good. To top it off, the warmer was so decorative and fit right in with the home decor. That was it, I was bitten by the Scentsy bug! In August of 2011 I made the decision to start selling Scentsy. From that day forward all of my jar candles were thrown in the trash and in moved Scentsy!! I found a whold new world of scents. Scentsy has 80 different scents to choose from, and I know you will find all your favorites that you just love. I have!! Our warmers are very conventional for the home or office, and there are many styles to choose from. I would love to share with you, all that Scensty has to offer. Whether being as simple as helping you find your favorite scents or getting all your friends together for a girls night out and getting you FREE product, and half priced items. If you find that you like what I do, and sell a product that's sells itself, contact me and I will tell you how easy it is to do this. I would LOVE to have you on my team. Dana

What's warming in my home